PRP for Hair Loss

Ready to Combat Hair Loss and Promote Natural Hair Growth?

Discover How PRP Therapy at LIPS and SKIN in Munich Can Revitalize Your Hair Follicles and Stimulate New Hair Growth.

PRP for Hair Loss at a Glance

PRP treatment is a new method to stimulate hair growth and halt hair loss.

Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp, containing growth factors that revitalize the hair follicles.

In successful cases, hair growth can be improved for several months up to a year.

The PRP treatment typically takes about 60 to 90 minutes per session.

Since PRP is derived from your own blood, side effects are rare. Possible temporary reactions may include mild swelling or redness of the scalp.

For best results, 3–5 sessions are typically required, with intervals of 4 to 6 weeks between each session.

A PRP hair treatment costs approximately €290 per session (indicative price, individual billing according to German Fee Schedule GOÄ).

PRP for hair loss performed on a male patient at LIPS and SKIN

PRP for Hair Loss – An Innovative Therapy

Hair Loss – A Widespread Condition

Hair loss can be a distressing problem for many individuals, significantly impacting their self-confidence and overall well-being. Hereditary hair loss is now considered a widespread condition, primarily affecting men. However, despite the prevalence of hair loss, an equally effective and low-risk treatment has long been elusive. Many hair loss remedies advertised as a “miracle cure” often fall short of expectations in reality.

PRP for Hair Loss: Innovative, Effective, and Low-risk

With PRP therapy (PRP stands for ‘Platelet-Rich Plasma’), an innovative and promising treatment for hair loss is now available. PRP has proven to be highly effective in numerous instances and is gaining popularity worldwide. Several studies have confirmed the promising success rates of PRP treatment for hair loss. In the majority of cases, hair loss can be halted, and in many instances, hair growth can be improved.

Harnessing the Body’s Healing Powers with PRP

What sets PRP treatment apart is its reliance on the body’s natural healing abilities, without the use of chemical additives. In this article, we will delve into the details of PRP therapy for hair loss and explain how it works. Furthermore, we will explore its effectiveness for hereditary hair loss, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.

How Does PRP Therapy for Hair Loss Work?

What is PRP?

PRP therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes autologous blood plasma to stimulate hair growth and combat hair loss. The plasma contains a high concentration of growth factors that promote cell renewal and tissue regeneration. After processing, the PRP is injected into the scalp to unleash its regenerative properties and stimulate hair growth.

How Does PRP Work?

PRP therapy involves several steps to achieve optimal results. Initially, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, similar to a conventional blood test. The blood is then placed in a centrifuge to separate its various components. The obtained plasma, which has a high concentration of growth factors, is used for injection into the scalp. Prior to the injection, the scalp is thoroughly cleansed and numbed to minimize any potential discomfort during the procedure. Subsequently, small injections of PRP are administered to the affected areas of the scalp, stimulating hair growth and halting hair loss.

What are the Benefits of PRP?

PRP therapy offers various advantages for individuals experiencing hair loss. One of the main benefits is that it is a non-surgical procedure. Unlike invasive treatments such as hair transplantation, PRP therapy does not require surgery, making it less burdensome on the body. Furthermore, the use of autologous plasma reduces the risk of allergic reactions or rejection. PRP therapy can be applied to various types of hair loss, including hereditary hair loss, alopecia areata, and telogen effluvium.

Mechanism of Action Unclear

The exact mechanism by which PRP treats hair loss has not been definitively determined. It is believed that the growth factors in PRP positively influence the anagen phase, during which the hair follicles reach their maximum size. Additionally, increased production of certain proteins crucial for the cell cycle is thought to play a vital role.

PRP for Hereditary Hair Loss

Hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia, AGA) accounts for approximately 95% of all cases of hair loss. This form of hair loss is well-known in both men and women through numerous studies. Hereditary hair loss is caused by the hair follicles’ sensitivity to male sex hormones.

Genetics and Age Primary Factors

Its genetic nature makes it challenging to develop reliable and, above all, side-effect-free treatments. Age plays a significant role in androgenetic alopecia, with onset typically occurring between the ages of 30 and 40 and progressing with advancing age.

Hereditary hair loss manifests differently in men and women. In men, hair typically thins first at the temples and forehead, resulting in the formation of receding hairlines or “widow’s peaks.” Additionally, a progressive circular bald patch, known as the “tonsure,” forms at the top back of the head.

In women, hereditary hair loss initially presents as a decreasing hair density in the central part of the scalp. Increased hair shedding, particularly when brushing or washing the hair, is often observed. As women age, the hair on the crown of the head becomes progressively thinner, leading to visible scalp areas. However, completely bald spots are less common in women.

Effectiveness of PRP Clinically Proven

Studies have shown that PRP can be effective in treating hereditary hair loss. By stimulating the hair follicles and promoting hair growth, PRP therapy can slow down the progression of hair loss and increase hair density. The mechanism of action of PRP therapy is based on the regenerative properties of platelet-rich plasma. The growth factors present in the plasma support the formation of new blood vessels and improve scalp blood circulation. This enhances the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss.

In my practice in Munich, I have had the opportunity to treat numerous patients, both men and women, for hair loss using PRP, and the outcomes have consistently been remarkable.

PRP for Alopecia Areata

While hereditary hair loss is clearly attributed to genetic factors, the causes of alopecia areata (AA), also known as patchy hair loss, are not yet fully understood. Alopecia areata affects both men and women relatively equally, and can even occur in children. Unlike androgenetic alopecia, it is not primarily age-related.

Autoimmune Reaction Likely Cause

One of the suspected causes of alopecia areata is disruptions in the immune system (autoimmune reactions). Due to a malfunction in the immune system, there is an immune response against the hair follicle cells, resulting in inflammation, decreased hair growth, and hair loss. This leads to the formation of round, bald patches on the scalp, giving the condition its name.

Most commonly, scalp hair is impacted, but it can also affect the beard, eyebrows, and body hair. In severe cases, individuals may experience complete loss of body hair (alopecia areata universalis).

Alopecia areata is often associated with other autoimmune diseases, primarily eczema (atopic dermatitis) and vitiligo (depigmentation disorder). This correlation suggests that an immune disorder may also be involved in the development of alopecia areata.

PRP Stimulates Hair Growth and (Maybe) Immune System

Several studies have shown promising results regarding the effectiveness of PRP therapy for alopecia areata. It is believed that PRP stimulates the regeneration and growth of hair follicles, similar to its effects in androgenetic alopecia. Additionally, there is a theory that the growth factors in PRP influence the immune system and reduce the autoimmune reaction against the hair follicles. Both mechanisms contribute to reducing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

PRP and Telogen Effluvium

Stress, Illness, and Infections Main Causes

Telogen effluvium represents another form of hair loss. Stress and illness are considered its primary triggers, leading to its classification as stress-induced hair loss. Virus infections and their consequences can also be a possible cause, as seen during the recent COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 patients reported a high incidence of hair loss. Studies have shown that hair loss is one of the most common long-term effects of COVID-19.

In telogen effluvium, a significant portion of the hair shifts from the growth phase to the shedding phase (also known as the telogen phase) simultaneously due to a physically or emotionally stressful event. The hair gradually disconnects from the blood supply and is gradually shed.

This process can last for months. Therefore, in cases of COVID-19, hair loss typically occurred after the initial infection symptoms had subsided. This delayed effect, occurring after COVID-19 patients believed they were already recovering, understandably caused panic among many affected individuals.

Telogen Effluvium Reverses Over Time, PRP Therapy Can Support

However, telogen effluvium is usually a temporary condition and is reversible. The fallen hair regrows naturally. This process can be supported by creating optimal conditions for the regrowth of hair.

PRP therapy can be advantageous in this regard by normalizing the hair cycle and restoring the balance of the hair follicles. The growth factors in PRP can improve scalp blood circulation and promote the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. This can help strengthen weakened hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

How Long Does the Effect of PRP Last?

Duration of Results Varies

The duration of PRP therapy results can vary from person to person and depends on various factors. It is important to note that PRP therapy is not a permanent solution for hair loss, as the hair loss process often continues, and genetic and other factors may come into play. However, PRP therapy can significantly improve hair growth and delay further hair loss.

Typically, patients can observe an improvement in hair growth within a few months after PRP treatment. The hair often becomes denser and healthier. The longevity of the results depends on several factors, including the severity of hair loss, the individual body’s response to the treatment, and the patient’s lifestyle.

Studies Confirm Long-Term Effect of PRP Therapy

Several studies have been conducted to examine the long-term effects of PRP therapy. One study tracked patient outcomes for one year following the treatment. The results showed that most patients maintained improved hair density even after one year. It was found that regular maintenance treatments can help sustain the results over a longer period.

The number of required maintenance treatments varies from person to person and can be influenced by different factors. It is advisable to schedule regular follow-up appointments with your treating physician to monitor the condition of your hair and determine the need for further treatments. Your doctor can provide appropriate guidance and establish the best treatment schedule based on your individual needs.

It is also important to note that while PRP therapy can slow down the progression of hair loss, it may not fully restore hair growth in cases of advanced baldness. For patients with advanced hair loss, a combination therapy of hair transplantation and PRP may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

What is the Cost of PRP for Hair Loss?

In my Munich practice, PRP therapy for hair loss starts at approximately €290 (indicative price). This includes the consultation, blood collection, PRP extraction, and scalp injection.

Optionally, PRP can be administered through needling instead of injections. Additionally, the treatment can be combined with the application of Minoxidil upon request. Studies have shown Minoxidil to be an effective adjunct to PRP therapy.

Please note that the prices quoted above are indicative and only provided for orientation purposes. The individual billing for treatments is done according to the German Medical Fee (GOÄ). Actual prices can therefore deviate from indicative prices, even significantly.

Typically, 3–5 sessions spaced 4–6 weeks apart are required for visible results. Maintenance treatments are recommended annually or semi-annually thereafter.

Conclusion: PRP – An Innovative and Gentle Therapy for Hair Loss

PRP therapy offers a promising solution for individuals struggling with hair loss and seeking effective treatment methods. With its minimally invasive nature, minimal side effects, and versatile applications, PRP has established itself as an effective method for stimulating hair growth. From hereditary and alopecia areata to telogen effluvium, PRP therapy can be an effective treatment option.

To make the most of PRP therapy, it is crucial to seek experienced professionals who possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in performing this treatment. Together, you can develop the best approach for your specific needs and embark on a journey towards healthy and full hair.

If you would like further information or would like to discuss your personal situation with me, please feel free to contact me or schedule a consultation appointment.

Portrait von Dr. Eva Maria Strobl von Lips and Skin München

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About the Author:

Dr. med. univ. Eva Maria Strobl is the owner of LIPS and SKIN Aesthetic Medicine practice in Munich. She is a trained specialist in general medicine (MedUni Vienna) and has over 10 years of specialization in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. She is a member of the German Society for Aesthetic Botulinum Therapy e.V. (DGBT), the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine e.V. (GSAAM) and of Network Global Health. She publishes regularly on her blog and on DocCheck.


Georgescu et al., Effectiveness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy in Androgenic Alopecia – A Meta-Analysis, Link
Roohaninasab et al., Systematic review of platelet-rich plasma in treating alopecia, Link

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