Lip Filler Treatment

Are Your Lips Lacking Volume and Definition?

Discover How Lip Augmentation with Lip Filler Can Give You the Perfect Pout You’ve Always Wanted.

Lip Filler at a Glance

During lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, a gel based on hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips to enhance their fullness, shape, and definition while improving their overall contour.

The results of lip augmentation typically last between 6 and 12 months, depending on the type of filler used and the individual’s metabolism.

I usually apply a numbing cream before the injection to enhance comfort during the treatment.

Potential side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, and bruising. In rare cases, allergic reactions or infections may occur.

Lip augmentation does not require any downtime. You can resume your regular activities immediately after the procedure.

The initial lip augmentation appointment typically takes 60–90 minutes, while subsequent appointments usually last 45–60 minutes (including the numbing cream application time).

Young woman with beautiful, plump lips.

What You Can Expect from Dr. Eva Maria Strobl

Specialized in non-surgical facial treatments.

Experience from several thousand treatments.

Lip augmentation exclusively by Dr. Eva Maria Strobl.

A relaxed atmosphere in a central location in Munich.

Direct accessibility for follow-up care via mobile phone, chat, and email.

Fairly calculated lip filler cost.

Bild, das Dr. Eva Maria Strobl von Lips and Skin München zeigt

Lip Augmentation for Naturally Beautiful Lips

Beautiful Lips with a Natural Look

A beautiful mouth has something magical about it. Full, symmetrical lips with a clear contour and healthy color have always been a beauty ideal. Therefore, they are considered particularly feminine in women. A red mouth with full lips attracts attention. Even in men, full lips are seen as sexy. On the other hand, thin and saggy lips are often perceived as a flaw. Thin lips, possibly accompanied by drooping corners of the mouth, give a serious and unsympathetic impression.

Lips Shape Appearance

Narrow, contourless lips are partly a matter of genetics and therefore innate. They are also a result of aging. Lips become thinner over the years. The surrounding skin becomes drier and less elastic. Fine lines around the lips become deeper. Many people also have asymmetrical lips. The upper lip may not visually match the lower lip, or one half of the lips may not harmonize with the other half.

The Solution: Lip Filler

In all of these cases, one’s self-confidence can suffer when the image in the mirror no longer matches the ideal self-perception. Lips are a central part of our face and significantly shape our appearance. It is, therefore, not surprising that more and more people seek a solution and want to get their lips augmented with hyaluronic acid. This is no longer a matter of age: Both older and younger patients come to my practice in Munich to have their lips enhanced with hyaluronic acid fillers.

Areas of Application for Lip Filler

Lip Augmentation

Most lip filler treatments are still carried out with the goal of making the lips appear larger and plumper. Unfortunately, this desire is not always executed to the advantage of the patients. Numerous examples of “overfilled” lips and “duck lips” are clear evidence of that. There are limits to achieving a naturally looking lip appearance when augmenting with filler. The dreaded “duck lips,” for example, are the result of excessive filler injection, which causes compression in the soft tissue surrounding the mouth. It is easily noticeable in individuals who have excessively augmented their lips.

Lip Contouring

Subtle corrections of lip contour and philtrum have always been part of the spectrum of lip augmentation. The focus has traditionally been on achieving a natural appearance. However, for those who prioritize a more fashion-forward approach, the possibilities are endless thanks to HA filler. They can opt to have their lips injected in the shape of a butterfly for the summer or sport “Russian Lips” during winter, resembling a heart shape. While I do offer these types of cosmetic enhancements in my practice, it is important for patients to be truly confident in their decision.

Smoothing Lip Lines

Smoothing lip wrinkles (also known as “smoker’s lines” or “barcode lines”) is a third application of lip filler application. It is recommended to address lip wrinkles with hyaluronic acid sooner rather than later, as they become more challenging to treat once they have deepened significantly. The deepening of wrinkles is often accompanied by skin thickening and hardening in the center of the lines. This hardened skin can create visible streaks when attempting to inject fillers into the wrinkles. Therefore, my advice is to undergo early lip augmentation with HA to address lip wrinkles effectively.

The three applications have in common that the pure amount of hyaluronic acid takes a back seat compared to the right technique. Professionals have moved away from simply fulfilling the patient’s desire for more lip volume by using higher amounts of hyaluronic acid. Instead, they focus on the architecture of the lip. For example, in my practice in Munich, I never inject the entire lip but rather target specific segments with hyaluronic acid to achieve a natural-looking result.

Since the lips are located in the center of the face, they need to harmonize with the overall facial features. The wise saying, “Less is sometimes more,” applies perfectly here. This approach also reduces the amount of material used and therefore the cost of lip augmentation. Of course, I also treat patients who want a significantly enlarged lip volume. However, I always assess how the increased lip size will harmonize with the rest of the face and ensure that it can be achieved without creating an unnatural look, such as an overfilled “duck lips.”

Botox Lip-Flip: New But Not Always Recommended

The Botox Lip Flip is a specialized technique that is offered as an alternative or complement to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. In the Lip Flip procedure, botulinum toxin is injected into precise points in the orbicularis oris muscle, which is the muscle around the mouth. The goal is to relax the superficial fibers of the muscle, causing the lips to “flip” outward.

Subtle Enlargement Possible

This technique can achieve a subtle enlargement effect. It is also standard procedure to prevent the lips from appearing to be “pulled into the mouth” during certain facial expressions, primarily when smiling.

However, unlike many colleagues, I do not see the Botox Lip Flip as a true alternative to lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. The often-heard argument that the Lip Flip is less invasive does not convince me. I consider the Botox Lip Flip to be more of a short-term trend, which is common in aesthetic medicine. Some patients may believe that the Lip Flip allows them to save costs compared to lip augmentation. However, that appears to be wishful thinking to me.

My Motto: Lip Filler for Plumper Lips

In my opinion, a meaningful indication for a Botox Lip Flip is when hyaluronic acid injection is not recommended, such as due to a higher risk of allergies. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, if a strong orbicularis oris muscle causes the lips to disappear when smiling, the Botox Lip Flip can be a suitable option in such cases.

Lip Augmentation


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Lip augmentation in my practice in Munich. The patient is a woman in her mid-20s. The price range for lip filler injections, as shown in the video, is approximately €330 (1 ml Juvéderm Ultra 3 or Restylane Kysse) to €480 (1 ml Juvéderm Volbella). It’s important to consider how much you are willing to invest in lip augmentation before the treatment. Please note that the mentioned prices are indicative and for orientation only. The actual billing of an individual treatment will be based on the GOÄ (German Medical Fee Schedule).

5-Step Treatment Process

Lip augmentation in my practice in Munich follows a structured process consisting of five steps. It is advisable to apply a topical numbing cream with lidocaine for lip filler injections. This requires approximately 30 minutes of activation time. The overall procedure duration is therefore rather long compared to the actual lip filler injection.


In the first step, a detailed discussion takes place to assess the patient’s current situation and aesthetic goals. Is the desired outcome realistically achievable? How much should lip augmentation cost? What are the available options for hyaluronic acid fillers? What are the associated risks? Once all questions have been satisfactorily addressed, the patient will be asked to sign a consent form for the treatment and a fee agreement. This ensures that there are no surprises. This initial step typically takes between 15 and 30 minutes for new patients.

Local Anesthesia

I typically apply a topical anesthetic cream to numb the lips before the lip augmentation procedure. This cream requires a 30-minute waiting time. During this period, you can relax in the waiting area and read a book or browse the internet. Meanwhile, I will prepare the lip filler for the treatment.

Cleaning & Disinfection

A thorough cleaning and disinfection of the lips are essential to eliminate bacterial infections. Following that, I disinfect the lips using a gentle disinfectant that is safe for mucous membranes. This step takes approximately 5 minutes.

Lip Filler Injection

First, the lips are cleansed of the lidocaine cream. The actual lip injection process is relatively quick and usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. Injecting lip lines (wrinkles) may take a bit more time. Complex lip contouring procedures can also be more time-consuming.

Aftercare & Control

After the lip injection, we will take a joint look in the mirror, do a quick check to ensure everything is okay, and see if the results meet your expectations – that’s it. You may experience sensitivity at the injection sites once the numbness wears off. Your lips will also swell significantly within a short period of time. Don’t be alarmed, as this is a normal swelling that will subside within a few days. It will make your lips appear much larger on the day after the treatment than the actual effect of the lip filler alone. The true outcome of the lip augmentation, which will last for about 6–12 months, will become visible after 2–3 days. Bruising is also possible, but will typically disappear within 1–2 days. Please take this into consideration when planning your schedule. We will have a follow-up appointment after 14 days to assess the results together and perform any necessary touch-ups. In case of complications, we will, of course, see you immediately.

How Much Does Lip Filler Cost?

The following prices for lip filler treatments are indicative and for orientation only. Individual treatments will always be calculated and billed according to the German Medical Fee Schedule (GOÄ) and may therefore deviate from the indicative prices, even significantly. Please note that your health insurance will not cover the costs of lip filler treatments.

TreatmentIndicative price in € (incl. VAT)
Lip volume 1ml (Aliaxin or Juvederm)298-450
Lip volume 2ml (Aliaxin or Juvederm)520-850
Smoker lines290-450
Lip moisturization380-450
Dissolve with Hylasefrom 198
Portrait von Dr. Eva Maria Strobl von Lips and Skin München

I Look Forward to Your Visit!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does Lip Filler Injection Cause Pain?

The lips are densely populated with nerves and therefore very sensitive to pain during injection. Although hyaluronic acid with lidocaine, a local anesthetic, is injected into the lips, I still recommend additional local anesthesia for my patients. This helps to make the injections into the lips relatively painless for most patients.

Are Lumps in the Lips Normal After Lip Filler?

Occasionally, the lips may not evenly absorb the hyaluronic acid during lip filler treatment. This effect is usually temporary and can be resolved by gently massaging the area. However, larger lumps that are immediately and permanently noticeable and palpable indicate a treatment error. If lumps appear some time after the injection, often even months later, it could be a delayed allergic reaction.

Can Lip Filler Injections Cause Cold Sores?

Augmenting lips with hyaluronic acid filler does not directly cause cold sores. However, if you are already a carrier of the herpes virus, the lip injection may trigger an outbreak. In such cases, I recommend taking an oral antiviral medication before and after the treatment to prevent a herpes outbreak.

Is 1ml of Lip Filler a Large Amount for Lip Augmentation?

How much hyaluronic acid is needed to achieve fuller lips depends primarily on the initial condition. If you naturally have thin lips, then 1ml of filler is generally the minimum amount required to make a visible difference in plumping the lips. In my practice, 1ml of hyaluronic acid is the standard amount used. I consider discount offers that advertise 0.5ml of filler at bargain prices to be rather untrustworthy.

Opening hours:

Monday09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday09:00 - 19:00
Friday09:00 - 16:00
With appointment only.