BOTOX for Excessive Sweating

Is Botox a Long-Term Solution for Hyperhidrosis?

Discover How Botox Can Effectively Treat Excessive Sweating and Provide Long-lasting Relief.

PDO for Hair Regrowth at a Glance

Botox is a proven and effective treatment for hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating.

Botox injections block the signals that stimulate sweat glands, reducing sweat production in the treated areas.

The treatment is commonly used for underarm sweating but can also be effective for palms, soles, and other areas.

Botox provides temporary relief, with results lasting several months, and subsequent treatments can maintain the effects.

Treatments with Botox for hyperhidrosis are typically performed using a local anesthetic to ensure patient comfort during the procedure.

Botox for excessive sweating starts at approx. €570 (indicative price, individual billing according to GOÄ fee schedule).

The Burden of Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating can be uncomfortable and burdensome, especially when it occurs without an apparent cause. Hyperhidrosis, the medical term for excessive sweating, is a common phenomenon. The most commonly affected areas are the hands, feet, and underarms, with underarm sweating being the most prevalent in my Munich-based practice. Facial hyperhidrosis also occurs but less frequently.

When is Excessive Sweating Considered Significant?

“Excessive sweating” is a subjective experience, but for scientific purposes, a sweat production of 100 mg in 5 minutes is used as a benchmark. Many health insurance providers cover the cost of treatment above this threshold. Botulinum toxin treatment for hyperhidrosis can be beneficial if sweat outbreaks impact your daily life and negatively affect your self-confidence or social interactions.

Possible Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis can have various causes, including genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, or psychological factors such as stress and anxiety. Sometimes an underlying condition, such as hyperthyroidism, neurological disorders, or high blood pressure, can be the trigger.

To diagnose hyperhidrosis, the physician assesses the amount of sweat produced per minute using gravimetry. This involves detecting and measuring sweat production with an iodine-starch test. If the three criteria—excessive sweating in typical areas, absence of other health issues, and no known underlying conditions—are met, a diagnosis of hyperhidrosis is likely.

Botox for Excessive Sweating

The Limitations of Previous Approaches

In the past, various pharmacological therapies were employed to address hyperhidrosis, a condition characterized by excessive sweating. When these treatments proved ineffective, surgical removal of sweat glands was sometimes considered as an option. However, it’s important to note that such surgical interventions carry the potential for uncomfortable side effects and inherent risks.

Botox: A Safer and More Effective Alternative

Fortunately, medical advancements have provided a safer and more effective alternative in the form of Botulinum toxin, commonly known as Botox. While Botox is widely recognized for its cosmetic applications in wrinkle treatment, it has also demonstrated remarkable efficacy in inhibiting sweat production for individuals with hyperhidrosis. By blocking the transmission of nerve signals to muscles, including those connected to sweat glands, Botox effectively reduces sweat secretion.

Precise and Minimally Invasive Procedure

The administration of Botox injections offers several advantages over traditional treatments. One significant benefit is the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. Compared to surgical options, Botox treatment involves a series of precise injections, typically performed in the targeted areas affected by excessive sweating, such as the underarms, palms, or soles of the feet.

Restoring Quality of Life

Following Botox treatment, many individuals experience a notable improvement in their quality of life. The relentless cycle of dealing with constant sweat outbreaks and the associated discomfort is effectively disrupted. Activities that were once accompanied by embarrassment or self-consciousness due to visible sweat stains can now be undertaken with greater confidence and freedom.

Long-Lasting Relief with Maintenance Treatments

The duration of Botox’s effects can vary from person to person, but on average, the benefits of the treatment can be expected to last for approximately six months. This prolonged period of relief allows individuals to enjoy an extended respite from the challenges posed by hyperhidrosis. Over time, as the effects gradually diminish, a follow-up treatment can be scheduled to maintain the desired level of sweat reduction.

Transforming Lives, Inside and Out

It is important to emphasize that successful treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox not only addresses the physical symptoms but also has a significant positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. The restoration of self-assurance and the ability to engage in social and professional activities without the constant worry of excessive sweating can be truly transformative.

Expert Consultation for Personalized Care

Consulting with a qualified healthcare professional experienced in administering Botox for hyperhidrosis is essential to ensure the proper assessment and tailored treatment plan for each individual. Through this innovative therapeutic approach, the burden of hyperhidrosis can be significantly alleviated, allowing individuals to reclaim their lives and embrace newfound confidence.

How I Treat Excessive Sweating with Botox in My Clinic

Thorough Examination and Consultation

At my clinic in Munich, I offer Botox treatments for the relief of hyperhidrosis. I begin with a comprehensive examination and consultation to ensure that Botox is the right choice for effectively treating your excessive sweating. During the consultation, I will provide detailed information about the treatment process, potential side effects, and expected outcomes. You are welcome to address any concerns or questions you may have to ensure optimal support.

Local Anesthesia for a Comfortable Experience

Before the actual treatment, I may perform a starch-iodine test to precisely identify the affected areas and measure sweat production. This painless test helps guide the precise placement of Botox injections. Following this, the treatment area will be locally anesthetized to minimize any discomfort during the injections. Typically, I use a numbing cream containing lidocaine for this purpose.

Precise Injections for Targeted Relief

Once the affected areas are prepared, I administer Botox injections in a specific pattern on the skin. The treatment involves multiple injections, which can cause some discomfort. However, I prioritize effective anesthesia to minimize any discomfort you may experience. These injections are essential for delivering Botox directly to the areas with excessive sweat production.

Onset and Duration of Results

The entire treatment process generally takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. Following the treatment, you can typically resume your daily activities immediately, although mild swelling or redness may occur at the injection sites. These discomforts typically subside within a few days. The effects of Botox treatment usually become noticeable within a few days to two weeks and typically last for approximately four to six months. Subsequent treatments are generally necessary to sustain the reduction in sweat production.

Post-Treatment Care and Follow-up

In my practice, I place great emphasis on post-treatment care and follow-up. I will provide you with recommendations to support the healing process and achieve the best possible outcome. Additionally, we will schedule a follow-up appointment to assess the success of the treatment and discuss any further actions if needed.

Improving Quality of Life with Botox Treatment

Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis can significantly enhance your quality of life, allowing you to lead a normal life free from constant sweat outbreaks. At my practice, I am committed to providing you with the highest level of service and personalized care to make your journey with hyperhidrosis more manageable.

Cost of Botox for Excessive Sweating

The cost of Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis primarily depends on the size of the treatment area and the amount of Botulinum toxin used. In my practice, the approximate cost ranges between €570 and €790 per session. Please note that these figures serve as guideline for orientation only, as the individual billing for treatments adheres to the regulations outlined in the German Medical Fee Schedule GOÄ.

Other Treatment Options

Botox therapy may not be suitable for everyone. In some cases, it may be necessary to consider alternative treatment approaches, such as:


These products contain active ingredients like aluminum chloride that temporarily block sweat glands, reducing sweat production. Antiperspirants are available in various strengths and can be a good option for individuals with mild to moderate hyperhidrosis.


This treatment involves passing weak electrical currents through water in which the affected body parts, typically hands or feet, are immersed. The electric current helps reduce sweat gland activity. Iontophoresis can be an effective method for treating hyperhidrosis on the hands and feet, but it requires multiple sessions and possibly ongoing maintenance.


In some cases, prescription medications like anticholinergics may be used to treat hyperhidrosis. These medications block the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which activates sweat glands. However, anticholinergics can have side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, and blurred vision.

Psychological Therapy

Since stress and anxiety can worsen sweating, working with a psychologist or therapist to manage stress and anxiety can be helpful. Techniques like relaxation exercises, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and biofeedback can help reduce the stress that contributes to excessive sweating.

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS)

This surgery involves cutting or blocking the nerves that activate sweat glands. ETS can be effective for severe cases of hyperhidrosis, especially when other treatment methods have been unsuccessful. However, there are risks and potential side effects, such as compensatory sweating in other areas of the body, which need to be carefully weighed.

The choice of the right treatment for hyperhidrosis depends on the severity of the condition, the affected body region, and the individual needs and preferences of the patient. It is important to work with an experienced physician to find the best solution for your situation and enable a life free from excessive sweating.

Conclusion: Botox for Excessive Sweating

In conclusion, Botox has emerged as a highly effective treatment option for excessive sweating, medically known as hyperhidrosis. This non-surgical approach offers significant relief and can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals struggling with this condition.

Through its ability to inhibit nerve signals to the sweat glands, Botox effectively reduces sweat production in the targeted areas. The treatment is minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated, with minimal downtime and quick recovery. Many patients experience a noticeable improvement in their sweating within a few days to weeks after the procedure.

Botox treatment for hyperhidrosis has demonstrated long-lasting results, typically lasting between four and six months before a follow-up treatment is needed. This duration may vary depending on individual factors. Regular maintenance sessions can help sustain the benefits over an extended period.

By effectively controlling excessive sweating, Botox allows individuals to regain confidence and take back control of their lives. It enables them to engage in social activities, wear their favorite clothing without worry, and enjoy improved personal and professional interactions.

If you are struggling with excessive sweating and it is significantly impacting your daily life, it may be time to consider Botox as a viable treatment option. Consult a qualified healthcare professional who specializes in this area to determine if Botox is suitable for you.

At LIPS and SKIN in Munich, we are committed to providing personalized care and delivering optimal results for our patients. Contact us today for complementary information or schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a sweat-free future.

I Look Forward to Your Visit!

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About the author:

Dr. med. univ. Eva Maria Strobl is the owner of LIPS and SKIN Aesthetic Medicine practice in Munich. She is a trained specialist in general medicine (MedUni Vienna) and has over 10 years of specialization in non-surgical aesthetic procedures. She is a member of the German Society for Aesthetic Botulinum Therapy e.V. (DGBT), the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine e.V. (GSAAM) and of Network Global Health. She publishes regularly on her blog and on DocCheck.

Sources of this article:

Obed, Salim et al., Botulinum Toxin Versus Placebo: A Meta-Analysis of Treatment and Quality-of-life Outcomes for Hyperhidrosis, Link
Heckmann, Ceballos-Baumannet al., Botulinum Toxin A for Axillary Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating), Link

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