
Microdermabrasion is a mechanical skin peeling and a very effective method for natural skin rejuvenation. The completely painless procedure takes advantage of the skin’s natural ability to regenerate. It stimulates cell division and activates the skin’s own new production of collagen and elastin. Dead skin cells and dandruff are first gently but thoroughly removed and then sucked in. The fresh layer of skin underneath immediately forms new skin cells, elastin and collagen.

Thanks to the deep-acting and at the same time particularly gentle method of microdermabrasion, we can successfully treat light and age-damaged skin, calluses, pigmentary disorders and skin impurities. The combination of vacuum and controlled abrasion of the top layers of the skin produces a visible improvement of irregularities.

Dead skin cells and cornifications are removed both thoroughly and gently. Microdermabrasion thus mechanically achieves the positive effect of a chemical peel. Already after the first treatment a visible improvement of the skin texture is achieved.

Your advantages with Dr. Eva Maria Strobl

  1. Flexible Termine, auch online buchbar
  2. Langjährige Erfahrung mit Mikrodermabrasion und kontinuierliche Weiterbildung
  3. Ausreichend Zeit und volle Aufmerksamkeit für Patienten
  4. Eine entspannte und diskrete Atmosphäre in komfortablem Ambiente
  5. Direkte Erreichbarkeit über Handy und E-Mail in der Nachbetreuung
  6. Fair kalkulierte Kosten für die Mikrodermabrasion

Microdermabrasion at a glance

Effect holds:4-8 weeks
Cost:from approx. 150€

Why microdermabrasion?

The natural aging process but also environmental factors such as UV radiation or cold lead to signs of aging and all kinds of skin problems on the face. Since the face is constantly visible to our social environment, skin problems often not only affect our external appearance, but can also result in psychological stress and even depression.

Counteracting the aging process of the face and bringing new freshness to the face is therefore an essential goal of the treatments practiced at LIPS and SKIN. Microdermabrasion is one of the most uncomplicated and effective procedures available to us.

Microdermabrasion is an absolutely bloodless and well-tolerated method with which I can neutralize harmful environmental influences and soften the traces of aging on the face of my patients in Munich. A long-standing procedure in the U.S., microdermabrasion has been part of LIPS and SKIN’s standard line of non-invasive anti-aging treatments since its inception.

For my Munich patients, I use microdermabrasion as a therapy against many skin problems, but at the same time as a preparatory measure for deeper, minimally invasive treatments, especially microneedling and autologous blood therapy with PRP.

Microdermabrasion is particularly suitable for the following applications:

  • Verbesserung des Hautbildes
  • Verkleinerung der Poren
  • porentiefen Reinigung der Gesichtshaut
  • Beseitigung von Pigmentstörungen
  • Abmilderung kleinerer Fältchen und Linien

What should be observed after the treatment?

After the treatment, you should avoid direct sunlight and use a face cream with a high sun protection factor (SPF30+).

To protect the skin, you should avoid sauna or swimming pool for 2-3 days after the treatment. Hot fumes from cooking pots or a dishwasher that just ran are also not good for your freshly treated skin. Beyond that, however, there are no specific behavioral recommendations. Of course, after microdermabrasion, you are also immediately ready for action and unrestricted socializing.

How much does microdermabrasion cost?

At LIPS and SKIN in Munich, microdermabrasion costs around 150 euros. This is a guideline value, the billing of the concrete case is done according to the scale of charges of physicians (GOÄ).

Opening hours:

Monday09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday13:00 - 19:00
Wednesday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday09:00 - 19:00
Friday09:00 - 16:00
With appointment only.